Social Media

Social Hour: 4 Ways to Use Silent Video to Your Advantage

Posted On September 14th, 2017 | 3:14pm EST

85 percent of all videos that are viewed on Facebook are viewed without sound. While this is a shift in the way we’ve come to consume this particular type of media, you can use it to your advantage with proper planning. Since video production is becoming more and more of a visuals game you need to be precise and organized in order to succeed. Make sure you keep these four rules in mind:

The three-second rule

While three seconds may not seem like a long time, it is critical when capturing the attention of your online audience. Facebook counts a view as a view after three seconds so that initial impression matters. Your first three seconds need to be eye catching and visually appealing.

Use Text

Since 85 percent of your audience will not hear your message make sure they can see it. Subtitles and blurbs are helpful and efficient ways to explain your message.

Keep it Visual

Full subtitles and text heavy content won’t be enough to capture your audience’s attention. Make sure your visuals are just as informative and interesting as your text—it’s a balancing act. Your images should be colorful and interesting. It’s also important that there is enough movement in your videos. Still photos should be used sparingly.

Have Sound

This might seem a little contradictory to what we’ve been saying, but don’t forget that there will be viewers who decide to turn the volume up. Although they may be part of the minority, make sure there are music and sound effects for these audience members. Perhaps more importantly, if there is no soundtrack at all your video will get lost due to Facebook’s auto play policies. Therefore, adding sound will increase your views.

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