Social Media

Social Hour: Cross-Posting Instagram and Facebook Stories

Posted On October 5th, 2017 | 9:17pm EST

This just in: Facebook recently confirmed that Instagram moviemakers will now be able to cross-promote their stories on Facebook.

Wondering if you made the cut? Upload a story on Instagram and hit the “next” button to publish. If the rollout has already happened to you, you should see an option to share your Facebook story directly underneath the IG option. If the Facebook logo is faded, worry not — your update is coming very soon.

Just this summer, Instagram announced more stories features for desktop users, allowing users to view (not upload) stories directly from their computers. It seems the Facebook/Instagram team will continue to experiment with different rules and rollouts in the future as video becomes a more and more popular art form with users.

Unfortunately, business accounts are still not allowed to use Facebook stories, so this update will not affect them—yet. But with many media outlets and brands doing the video pivot, it could be an important and valuable move on the horizon, and one we should all be keeping an eye on.

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