
#contenthacks: 4 Ways to Incorporate Visual Content in Blogs (and Beyond)

Posted On August 30th, 2017 | 10:00am EST

What makes consumers immediately interested in your brand? Is it a strong slogan? Is it top notch custom content? Is it impeccable work ethic and integrity?

According to recent studies, it’s the pretty pictures.

And while you should absolutely worry about all the above, the quickest connection consumers make to a brand is visual content. Using the right photos and videos will attract more consumers and help them remember your brand’s message.

So here’s a small crash course on the types of visual content your brand can utilize:

1. Stock images

The easiest way to find exactly what your content needs in the quickest amount of time is by purchasing stock images. You don’t need to book a photographer and schedule a shoot; just use what’s already out there to instantly boost your blog posts. A reliable site is Getty Images (see above – nice, right?) which allows you to download photos and videos via site membership.

2.  Videos

Not only are videos fun and interactive, but they increase the time spent on your content page. If you don’t have the resources to shoot and edit a video for your consumers, use the power of Facebook Live to stream live events, behind-the-scenes tours or employee interviews to connect with your audience. Your consumers will feel like they’re part of your brand by participating in real-time viewing and you save yourself the energy of cutting together a scripted video. (Just make sure everyone is on their best behavior and camera ready before hitting record – the Internet never forgets!)

3. GIFs and Memes

While they might seem a little immature, they can be wildly effective in selling your brand with minimal effort…when properly executed. If the joke is there, it’ll work. People always have 2-3 seconds to spare watching a well-placed GIF. Similarly, memes are a great way to use a popular image to relate to your brand. Humor goes a long way with consumers and it’s a surefire way to grab the attention of the most sought-after demographic: millennials.

4. Infographics

It’s important to have the numbers and data to back up your brand, but reading statistics and information in blocks of text can be mind-numbingly dull. Go with a colorful infographic that translates your data and complex ideas to a digestible format. Sites like Piktochart and Infogram are user-friendly and have a lot of great templates ready to go.

For more examples of visual content, click here. To see how City/Studio can help create and guide you through your own visual content, click here.