
Your Best Brand Advocates Are Sitting Right Next to You

Posted On August 24th, 2017 | 3:22pm EST

There is truly nothing like a happy and satisfied team of employees. When the people who work for you like being there and doing the work, they become the most organic advocates of your brand. These are your behind-the-scenes boosters, sharing the perks of the job and the value of your vision with their own networks. They willingly provide user generated content that’s helpful in spreading the word about your identity on a wider social scale (and with low to no overhead). They are the people manning your megaphones, and the most authentic speakers you have. Hoping to inspire advocacy from the inside? Here’s what you need to do.

Ask questions and inspire communication.

In doing so, you provide your employees with a platform to offer new, inventive ideas for social sharing and brand awareness. Hold monthly collaborative brainstorms with your team to see what your brand could be doing differently in its own promotion. Buy your employees breakfast and get the conversation going.

Instill a sense of community.

Piggybacking off of what we mentioned above, the best way to get your people sharing moments from their work day or wins for the company is to give them a sense of community. Let them collaborate, encourage fun events outside of work that can help build your team into one that’s connected by more than a set of desks or an email thread.

Create opportunity.

You can’t force your employees into advocating your brand, and why would you want to? As Entrepreneur noted, your advocates need to be authentically excited about what it is they are advocating. Make it a point to encourage and reward those who feel passionate about they do and compelled to talk about it.

Be transparent.

The more your employees know about the brand and the inner workings, the more ownership they will feel over the successes of the company. Use your discretion, but when appropriate, let your employees explore the business and ask questions.

City/Studio can help you build a strategy that’s organic and right for you. Interested in learning more? Click here to learn our approach, browse our case studies and get in touch.